Warm greetings! Thank you for visiting JejuGranny. My name is Brenda Sunoo. And yes, I am a granny who is living on Jeju Island, South Korea.
Think about it. If you have ever had a granny that you loved, wasn't she the one who may have helped raise you? Spoiled you? Fed you? Protected you? Gave you a wad of cash on your birthday? Even spanked you when you deserved it, and then kissed you afterwards?
Most of all, isn't she the one who helped inspire you to become the person you are today? I loved my grannies. And I love stories of other people's grannies. This blog is my tribute to these elders and my gratitude for being one.
I believe grandparents can remain passionate and purposeful no matter how old we become.
Leap, Laugh, Love!
If you have any granny stories you'd like to share, please contact me. Guidelines: 800-1,000 words. One related photo and a website you would like to promote.
You don't have to be a granny to write about one: